Order transportation

You can order transportation by calling our Service Centre or using the online ordering system. Using the online system the customer can print out waybills with barcodes, parcel documents, as well as track the delivery. The use of the online system is free of charge for contract customers, but requires registration.


Kaukoputki is a new online service for Kaukokiito customers. You can use it to create an electronic transport order, generate the required documents, track your shipments in real time and check your contractual prices or delivery schedules. Kaukoputki is available on a 24/7 basis. 
Kaukoputkeen ->

Unifaun Online

Unifaun is software of Kaukokiito’s partners to which the contractual customers of Kaukokiito can make online transportation orders and print out waybills and parcel lists.
Unifauniin ->


Kuljetustilaus.fi is an easy and modern way to make transportation orders with Finland’s most efficient freight and logistics chain. After registration you can make your transportation order from the company you choose.
Kuljetustilaus.fi ->

Kaukokiito timetable search

The time taken by transportation and distance search etäisyyshaku.
Siirry aikatauluhakuun ->
Go to timetable search.

We gladly serve you in all matters related to the use of our services atsahkoisetpalvelut@kaukokiito.fi and by telephone at +358 10 510 1700.